Making changes meets healthwatch
Who is healthwatch?
Healthwatch Gateshead is one of 152 local Healthwatch organisations established throughout England.
They cover all publicly-funded social care and health services for adults and children.
Their dual role includes championing for the rights of users of social care and health services and holding the system to account for how well it engages with the public.
Making Changes NE has recently teamed up with Healthwatch to find out what the people of Gateshead think about the current services on offer. We spoke about how they can be improved and what services are important to them, that they deem a priority to reopen once the lock down lifts, through a focus group held for Gateshead residents. This information has been fed back to Gateshead Council to help shape how things will change in the future.
We recently had an interview with Healthwatch and are excited to be featured on their website and social media. You can watch the video here.
Have your say on their website, or alternatively you can keep up to date on our website, facebook and instagram.
Now the vaccination programme is underway, Healthwatch Gateshead would like to hear from you. What do you think of the vaccine and the vaccination programme?
It is important to hear about how things are going so improvements can be made where needed.
Please spare a few minutes to complete this survey.
You can also get in touch with them for free, confidential and independent information and signposting service.