Making CHanges NE - Motivational
a LITTLE iNTRODUCTION to our Tiktok Series...
Let’s kickstart our Motivational Mondays blog by introducing ourselves! So, who is Making Changing NE and what do we do? Making Changes NE was founded in 2018 as a community interest company; a not-for-profit organisation. We aim to combat loneliness and isolation in our local communities, through the means of education and experiences. Throughout the years, we’ve hosted numerous fully-funded classes, courses and, activities. We aim to include everyone in activities in our local communities, no matter what physical or mental barriers they may face.
So, why are we doing Monday motivation videos? We’ve all been there. Dreading Monday to come around, thinking about work, or just thinking what am I going to do this week! At Making Changes NE, we think it’s important to start your week off right, that right start could be our TikTok. Each week, we will be posting a tiktok to get you motivated for the week ahead. Our videos will include tips and tricks, motivation quotes, or a bit of laughter to start your day off!
We are currently offering fully-funded cookery and crafts classes in Morpeth, Northumberland. We have some really big plans for 2022 and aim to host more activities for local communities in the North Eat! As a not-for-profit organisation, we rely purely on funding and donations. If you enjoy our Tiktok series and/or blogs, please feel free to donate to our cause!
Let's get motivated (24/01/2022)
Let’s kick off your Monday, with Making Changes Ne’s Motivation Mondays.
Here are three simple steps to start your week off positively.
Get pleasure out of the simple things in life. Laughter is one of the most powerful mood enhancers. Allow yourself to laugh.
Set your goals for the week. Setting your goals will enable you to focus during the week and increase your productivity. This in return will allow you to feel fulfilled on the weekend and enjoy relaxing!
Write a list of the good things which will happen during the week. Before starting the week, list down at least three to four things that you are excited about for the upcoming week. This might put you in a more positive mood.
Let’s get your week off with some motivational quotes:
- “Hey, I know it’s Monday. But it’s also a new day and a new week. And in that lies a new opportunity for something special to happen.” —Michael Ely
- “Your Monday morning thoughts set the tone for your whole week. See yourself getting stronger, and living a fulfilling, happier, and healthier life.” –Germany Kent
- “Mondays are the start of the working week which offers new beginnings 52 times a year!” –David Dwek
@makingchangesne #monday #motivation #charity #makingchangesne ♬ original sound - makingchangesne
An inspirational quote (31/01/2022)
It’s Monday again, and we all know what that means. Another, Motivational Monday video from Making Changes NE. Todays video is centred around my favourite quote. The quote reads:
“Allow me to propose a few suggestions about how to handle the natural resistances that your circumstances might offer. Do not assume that you have to have some prescribed conditions to do your best work. Do not wait. Do not wait for enough time or money to accomplish what you think you have in mind. Do not wait for what you assume is the appropriate, stress-free environment. Do not wait for maturity insight or wisdom. Do not wait until you are sure you know what you are doing. Do not wait until you have enough technique. What you do now will determine the quality and scope of your future endeavors.” — Anne Bogart
So, come on guys, let’s not wait to follow our ambitions. Let’s get cracking today and pursue what we want to happen this week!
Plan, plan and plan again (07/02/2022)
Oh yes. It’s once again a new week and a happy Monday to everyone. This we are going to talk about planning your weekly goals before the week begins. It’s a perfect way to stay organised and motivated. Personally, I like to set my weekly goals on a Sunday evening, meaning I have the full week to fulfill my weekly endeavors. But start whenever you like. Are you seeing this on Monday morning? Use a small part of your Monday morning to jot down down notes about what you want to achieve this week. I like to use a planner to set goals for each day. It’s a clear format, easy to read, and a good way to separate different goal types. It’s always good to have a mix of financial, mental, physical, and exercise goals.
A useful way of making goals more powerful is to use the SMART target tool. SMART usually stands for:
- S – Specific.
- M – Measurable.
- A – Attainable.
- R – Relevant.
- T – Time-bound.
For example, I want to go to the gym every day this week, which could be turned into: By the end of the week, I want to have been to the gym at least three times. This will only be achievable if I wake up early and go straight to the gym before work.
I’ll leave the planner link here, why not get involved in our Tiktok Hashtag challenge! Upload a Tiktok with your plan for the week and use the hashtag #Iplannedtobemotivated.
That’s all for now folks, signing off!
Writing down ones worries... (14/02/2022)
Making Changes Ne are back with a motivational Monday! I hope everyone had a great week last week.
This week we are talking about how writing your worries on paper can motivate you for the week. This works by putting your littlest worries in perspective, in a self-reflective manner.
Just like how making a list of good things puts you in a positive mood, writing down things that worry you can help you release stress, and help you become calm and productive.
So grab your pen and paper. Write down those worries. Reflect. Think will these worries matter in five years. Most worry comes from overthinking certain situations.
Let’s stop worrying and let’s get motivated.
Making Changes NE wishes everyone a fantastic week, and a HAPPY MONDAY to everyone!
Move it to motivate it...(21/02/2022)
Making Changes Ne are back with a motivational Monday! I hope everyone had a great week last week.
This week we are talking about moving to motivate. I find it so motivating and I oose energy after moving! It helps clear the mind and get you going for the day.
Let’s are you off with this little workout, try and do it for five rounds, if you think you can do more, give it a go!
- Bodyweight squats: 20 reps
- Push-ups: 10 reps
- Walking lunges: 10 each leg
- Dumbbell rows (using a big bottle of water or another weight): 10 each arm.
- Plank: 15 seconds
- Jumping Jacks: 30 reps
Let’s start moving and let’s get motivated.
Making Changes NE wishes everyone a fantastic week, and a HAPPY MONDAY to everyone!!!
Community and motivation(28/02/2022)
Who is excited for a brand new week to start? I know I am!! Happy Monday. This week we are going to talk about community and motivation.
Did you know that living and socialising in a vibrant community can lower the risk of mental health issues? Mental health is one of the biggest barriers you may face, especially when it comes down to motivation. The feeling of, ‘what’s the point?’ comes to mind when I think about mental health and motivation. That’s why need to use resources around us to better our mental health and enable us to be motivated.
One of the major benefits of being a part of a strong community is that you’ll have something to look forward to socialising in your spare time. Having something to look forward to is a major aspect of motivation. Sometimes you just need that one thing to get you through a, potentially, gruelling week. That could be all you need!
Until next Monday folks!